Софья Багдасарова (shakko.ru) wrote,
Софья Багдасарова

Детский маскарад 1887 года

Adelaide Mayoral Children's Fancy Dress Ball, 1887

Эдит Бонитон, 10 лет, в костюме жены лорда Дадли тюдоровских времен

Эвелин Бикфорд, 9 лет, в костюме Красной шапочки

Herbert Parsons aged 15 years old, dressed as the King of Spades, 1887

Hugh T. Bonython aged 8 years old, dressed as Earl of Leicester

John Lavington Bonython aged 12 years old, dressed as a Courtier of Charles I

Fairweather Bickford aged 13 years old, dressed as a Blue Coat Boy

Harold Bickford aged 11 years old, dressed as an officer

Harding Bickford aged 10 years old, dressed as a Infantry officer

Классный, видимо, был детский праздник!
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